Tailored Pet Care Starts Here

Purchase your Tailr tag today and start building a pet personality profile that understands and communicates their unique needs.

Meet Tailr

Medium-sized, orange dog looking over his right shoulder and wearing a purple collar with a Tailr tag

The Accessory That Matches Your Style

Purchase Your Tag

Lost & Found Function

If your pet goes missing, the Tailr tag allows anyone who finds them to scan and access your contact info immediately. Additionally, notify all Tailr users in the vicinity and receive instant notifications about the location of the scan, enhancing the chances of a safe return.

Robust Pet Profile

The QR code on the Tailr tag opens up a detailed pet personality profile that includes medical records, medication dosages, grooming preferences, personality quirks, and much more, ensuring personalized care.


Effectively inform your pet’s caretakers of any medications or conditions that they need to be aware of. Store your pet’s entire medical history in one easy-to-access profile.


Provide a detailed description of your pet’s unique personality traits and quirks so that even when you're not around, your pet can be recognized as the best friend you know they are.


Does your pet hate when their tail is touched, or react badly to a blowdryer? Proactively protect your pet from a nightmare visit to the groomers by providing all of their past grooming information and preferences.

Play (Coming Soon!)

Tell your pet’s caretakers about what their favorite toys are, or what style of play they enjoy so that you can know, even if you’re not there, your pet is happy and doing the things they love.

Food (Coming Soon!)

Allergies, food preferences, structured meal times, and so much more can be communicated even when you’re not around. Rest easy knowing that your pet’s food needs are being taken care of.

An App To Manage It All

The Tailr app allows you to add and manage multiple pet profiles and share important health and behavior details with your pet’s caregivers.

  • Provide personality and behavioral information to your pet's caregivers.
  • Share vaccine records with vets, groomers, daycares, etc.
  • Receives a unique Tailr email address for your pet.


Set up their profile

Download Tailr on your device and follow the in-app instructions.

Let the tag do the talking

When scanned, the tag ensures your pet receives tailored care based on their unique personality profile.

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